Municipal / Federal / Commercial

USPS Post Offices


PQH has successfully partnered with the USPS since 1986 with projects ranging in renovations, additions and historical restorations.  From lobby renovations to lighting systems, parking lots, HVAC upgrades and new construction, PQH has significant experience with the USPS. With each new USPS project, there is a standard series of components to incorporate into the facility. Careful planning and consideration of surrounding vernacular and elevations was used to blend with local architecture. To maximize design elements within budget limits, each project then features a unique entry focal point.

USPS Post Offices


PQH has successfully partnered with the USPS since 1986 with projects ranging in renovations, additions and historical restorations.  From lobby renovations to lighting systems, parking lots, HVAC upgrades and new construction, PQH has significant experience with the USPS. With each new USPS project, there is a standard series of components to incorporate into the facility. Careful planning and consideration of surrounding vernacular and elevations was used to blend with local architecture. To maximize design elements within budget limits, each project then features a unique entry focal point.

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PQH welcomes you to reach out to us with any questions revolving around your soon-to-be development projects. For a consultation, please give us a call.